20 Minutes Meditation Can Transform Your Life | Life Within

When we meditate, we push long lasting and far reaching benefits into our lives, it is powerful and worth it. It enhance...

How to meditate?

Meditation is so simple yet it can be so difficult at the same time.

When we meditate, we push long lasting and far reaching benefits into our lives, it is powerful and worth it. It enhances the quality of life. You just need to commit to doing it every day ( even for 5-10 mins) and the most important moment in your meditation practice is the moment you sit down to do it.

Purpose of meditation is to clear our mind and practice being more aware of our present moment.

Meditation provides various physical, mental, spiritual and emotional benefits.

·         It helps you to calm your mind.

·        Increases focus and concentration.

·         It helps to destress.

·         Helps in finding inner peace and balance.

·         Increases positive feelings and actions towards oneself and others.

·         Improves sleep and metabolism.

·         It eases loneliness and brings comfort in stillness.

·         Increases clarity, productivity and creativity.

·         It gives a mood boost.

·         Boosts immune system.

·         It enhances self-esteem and self-awareness.

·         Reduces ageing.

·         It’s good for the heart and maintains blood pressure.

·         It helps in increasing the strength of your attention.

·         Promotes happiness and mindfulness.

·         It has the ability to reduce symptoms of depression.

·         It controls anxiety and pain.

·         Keeps distraction away.

·         Helps in coping with trauma.

·         Also reduces age-related memory loss.

·         Helps in fighting addictions.

·         Helps in anger management.

·         Improves mental functioning.

·         Increase in tolerance power.

·         Builds inner strength.

·         It also helps curb food cravings and reduces instances of binge eating.

·         You’ll become more patient, alert and energetic.

·         You will make better decisions and perform better.

·         Meditation will help you get in touch with your inner voice.

·         It basically adds incredible value to your life and balances the overall wellbeing.

As you can see, meditation has a huge number of benefits. Giving even 20 minutes to it daily will bring a great positive change in your life.

So, let’s learn the right way to meditate, that too - step by step!

1.  First of all, find a place away from noise where you’ll be undisturbed for a period of time -a place which is calm, peaceful and relaxing.

2.  Now, make sure to sit in a comfortable and stable position. You can either sit in a chair with your feet on the floor or you can sit loosely cross-legged or you can kneel, as you wish. Make sure to sit with your back straight but not too tense.

3.  Then set a time limit (atleast 5-10 mins, if you are a beginner). Make sure to follow a routine.

4.  Now imagine a string from your tailbone is pulling all the way up to your spine to the highest point of your head.

5.  Start breathing slowly and deeply. Softly close your eyes and begin to feel your breath as it goes in and out and keep your whole attention there.

6.  Your mind should only focus on the path of your breath.

7.  If you notice that your mind is wandering to other places then take a few seconds or minutes and then simply return your attention to the breath.

8. Observe your thoughts but don’t engage in them. Don’t obsess over the content of the thoughts you find yourself lost in, just bring back your focus to breathing.

9. Take a moment and notice how your body feels right now, notice your thoughts and emotions and also notice any sounds in the environment.

10.  The goal is to be aware of yourself and what’s around you but actually your mind is not thinking anything - this awareness is your consciousness, your soul.

Meditation is something anyone can do and anywhere to improve their overall wellbeing. It brings tranquility and peace to oneself.

So my suggestion for a beginner is that meditation is definitely worth a try. You will feel light and calm from the first day itself, provided you are following the right instructions. Each day would be better than before, you just need to follow the routine.


Sakshi Bisht | Life Within

Photo Credit: Light photo created by master1305 - www.freepik.com>

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