Side Effects of Modern Lifestyle | Life Within

Lifestyle is an essential factor for humans' both physical and mental health. Modern lifestyle has made everything easy...

Side Effects of Modern Lifestyle


Lifestyle is an essential factor for humans' both physical and mental health. Modern lifestyle has made everything easy for us and we have become more lazy and lethargic. Our sedentary work culture and urban lifestyle has done more damage than good to our bodies. Modern technology and social media platforms have a big negative impact on our mental and physical health but if we strike a balance between online and real world relationships, we can keep our mental health in control.


Let's take a look at some of the Modern lifestyle habits that influence our health:


1.     Unhealthy Diet

Diet is the most important factor in our lifestyle and has a direct positive connection with health. Earlier the diet used to include lots of fruits and vegetables with high nutritive value but in urban lifestyles, people are resorting more towards fast food, frozen food and other unhealthy alternatives to save their time and work. 



2.     Lack Of Physical Exercise

In this modern sedentary lifestyle we are engaged in more sitting activities and follow inactive modes of transportation. People are really busy in this highly competitive world and forget to take some time for their wellness. But it is very important to exercise and meditate regularly to work on your health and holistic wellness.


3.     Lack Of Sleep

Sleep has a clear influence on our health and for a healthy lifestyle minimum seven hours of good sleep is a must. Many aspects of modern lifestyle like excessive screen time and social media, longer commutes and busy schedules have led to sleep deprivation. 


4.     Addiction To Technology

Though technology has its own advantages like fast communication and ease of travelling but misuse of it may result in unpleasant consequences. Constantly staring at the screen can lead to low concentration, short- sightedness and other health risks. Also dependency on gadgets can develop poor sleeping habits and results in stunted cognitive growth of children.


5.     Obesity

Unhealthy habits like eating more processed and fast food (high in trans fat), lack of physical activities and drinking too much alcohol can lead to obesity. And obesity brings in a lot of other health problems like diabetes, cholesterol and other cardio-vascular diseases.


6.     Substance Abuse

The easy availability of temptations like alcohol, cigarettes, nicotine and other carcinogenic substances along with stress can result in addiction, depression, anxiety, asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, brain injury and chronic illness.


7.     Increase In Risk Of Heart Diseases

Increase in levels of cholesterol and triglycerides lead to heart diseases which is mainly caused by consumption of junk food, alcohol and smoking and lack of physical activity.


8.     Pain / Injury In Neck And Hearing Loss

Excessive staring at handheld devices like mobile phones, tabs, gaming phones etc. leads to stress or pain in the neck.

Headphones are used widely to prevent distraction from people around you but listening in loud volumes for long periods can affect and permanently damage your ears. And also unclean earbuds can cause infection in the ears or hearing loss.


9.     Acidity And Gastrointestinal Problems

Poor eating habits and intake of carbonated and sugary drinks lead to acidity and other gastrointestinal problems. Having junk and fast food regularly disrupts the PH balance and natural state of the stomach which results in both bloating and acidity.


h10. Feet Deformities

Modern lifestyle focuses more on the outside appearance of a person even if that is not friendly to the body. For example, wearing high heels increases the pressure on the bottom planter of the forefoot which leads to temporary or permanent deformities such as hammer toes, bunions etc.


Atlast, I would like to say that everything has its pros and cons, but it’s up to us to do the right thing for ourselves. Follow a healthy and balanced diet, exercise and meditate regularly, take proper sleep and lead an active lifestyle!



By: Shakshi Bisht | Life Within

Photo Credit: freepik

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