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As we know human exists as physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Allopathy has shown great results and potent...
“With great power comes great responsibility”, these few words from the movie Spiderman provides a great insight into human nature of evolution. The ‘human’ community is growing and at a brisk pace. Technology has revolutionised the way we function and the speed at which we function. If someone 50 years back would have told the world is going to function the way it is today,it would have been difficult to believe.
But there are no free lunches here! While the technology has advanced, the disease and ailments which humankind is fighting today has also increased manifold. If we understand technically, diseases like cancer, autoimmune disease and chronic diseases have tremendously increased. Diseases like H1N1, Zika virus, etc which creates acute mortality and morbidity have appeared suddenly. Our allopathy medicine has been successful to control the intensity of symptoms to some extent but yet we are not yet able to understand the clear-cut origin or root cause.
It is pertinent to also note that two people who get exposed to the same disease, with the same management have different outcomes. Hence, to rely on the theory of standardise management will never lead to the root cause of disease or healing. It is time for current day healers/ doctors to devise a strategy to deal with a holistically.
As we know human exists as physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Allopathy has shown great results and potential for a quick fix solution and decreasing the intensity of disease at a physical level ie. Only symptoms, but how to tackle the other level of existence of human. But it is not a sufficient source to eradicate the disease from its root cause. Exploration of alternative modalities like parashakti healing, psychic healing, counselling, Bach Flower Remedies, acupuncture, acupressure etc. is imperative. Their role in helping us to understand disease completely is vital.
Our ancient scholars and healers have unanimously agreed “Disease is nothing but disharmony between external and internal self”. The aim of any healer (anyone who wants to cure a disease, could be a allopathy doctor) if to cure the ailment, alternative therapies combined with allopathy medicine will make the line of management holistic. The combination of allopathy and alternative remedies will lead to a paradigm shift of treating the ‘external’ to treating ‘external’ and ‘internal’ aspect of human beings.
No remedies or therapies can fix everything in a person. Every
modality has its shortcomings and helps to some extent. Hence,
identification of the root cause is essential to avoid relapse of the
same disease. This is important because root cause of two individuals
for the same disease may be different. Hence using only principles of
allopathy medicine may not be a complete way of management. Every
ailment in individual will have a unique cause, and modality to treat
the same will also differ to ensure optimum results in that person. E.g.
Tab Metformin 500mg(anti diabetic tablet) which is the same dose for 2
individuals with the same rise in sugar level(as per allopathy) will
show 2 different results. Hence, we need to identify the cause of this
difference and treat with the suitable modalities. Alternative Therapies
were the core secret of earlier line of management and will be the
future of health management. Human kind is aiming for 5G, robotics,
increasing the amount of radiation in the environment which will impact
the physical, emotional, psychological and mental aspects of a human
beings. Hence, treating the physical bit will not be sufficient enough
to restore health.
Alternative medicine will be the dictionary which a health practitioner will have to refer to uproot the cause of any ailment. Hence, it is extremely essential to explore different modalities to get healthy than depend on one modality!
By: Dr Harish Joshi is a consulting neuro-physician (MBBS, MD, DM Neuro)