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Adolescence / Teenagers is a very crucial stage in one’s life, it’s a time of rapid change for kids both physically and...
Adolescents / Teenagers
Adolescence / Teenagers is a very crucial stage in one’s life, it’s a time of rapid change for kids both physically and cognitively. Teenage years can be difficult for both parents and teens as the teens go through a combination of hormonal changes, emotional volatility, academic and social challenges etc. Many teenagers feel misunderstood and it is important that their feelings and thoughts are validated and the validation comes from their parents. So, the parents need to approach their children carefully and in a friendly manner to discuss their concerns.
Let’s discuss some of the problems faced by teenagers:
❖ Academic Problems
Adolescents who have poor academic achievement and have had little success with or felt little satisfaction resulting from participation in school-related activities often feel pressured and fear to go to school. School teachers or counselors and family members should identify the reason, if any, for the fear and encourage the adolescent to attend school.
❖ Depression
Teens are battling depression and anxiety more than ever, so it’s important for parents to watch for any warning signs of depression and anxiety. If they seem withdrawn, experience a change in their sleep patterns, or start to perform badly in school, schedule an appointment with the physician or contact a mental health professional.
❖ Bullying
Even with the anti-bullying programs today, teens everywhere are facing torment from their peers on a daily basis. Parents need to work closely with school faculty to ensure they have anti-bullying policies in place.
❖ Social Media
The rise of social media has made bullying much more public and more pervasive. It exposes the teen to cyberbullying, slut-shaming, exposed to unsavory people, unhealthy images, sexual content online and so much more. Parents should help their teen learn how to navigate social media in a healthy way and talk about ways to stay safe online, also most importantly, know what your teen is doing online.
❖ Peer pressure
Kids nowadays are prone to peer pressure, more and more kids are being pressured into having sex, doing drugs, and even bullying other kids. To keep the teens from falling victim to peer pressure, you need to give them skills to make healthy choices, and to resist peer pressure. Sometimes, they can make poor choices and may be too afraid to seek help.
❖ Obesity
Apart from the fact that overweight children are often targeted by bullies, they are also at a much greater risk of lifelong health issues, such as diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and heart disease. They may also struggle with body image problems or develop eating disorders and the parents are not always aware of these issues. One must talk to their child's pediatrician about whether the weight and body mass are appropriate for the teen's height and age and inquire about the steps one can take to ensure that their teen is healthy. Then, if the doctor does recommend a healthier eating plan or exercise, find ways to support and empower teens.
❖ Alcohol Use:
Alcohol use and binge drinking is very common among teenagers. Alcohol can take a serious toll on a teenager's developing brain, we need to talk and educate them about the risks of underage drinking.
❖ Drug Use
Unfortunately, teens often underestimate how easy it is to develop an addiction, especially Drug and also don't understand the risks associated with overdosing. Parents need to make sure to have regular conversations with their teen about the dangers of drugs.
❖ Sexual activity
Parents may not be aware that their
children are sexually active, however they must talk to their teen about sex
Sakshi Bisht | Life