Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Solution | Life Within

Depression is a common mood disorder that negatively affects the way we feel, think and act.

Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Solution


We all must be familiar with the term ‘Depression’ and this growing pandemic has shown us how brutal this illness can be. It's so good to know that people are now raising awareness about mental health issues and working towards it.


·   So, what is depression?

Depression is a common mood disorder that negatively affects the way we feel, think and act.


·   Common Symptoms

Depression symptoms may vary from person to person. Let's take a glance at a number of the common symptoms:


Feeling of sadness

Extreme tiredness

Feelings of anxiety- rapid breathing, heavy sweating, panic, restlessness or nervousness

Lost of interest in pleasure activities or hobbies

Changes in sleep schedule or insomnia

Changes in appetite - May indulge in overeating or not feeling hungry at all.

Feeling of numbness or emptiness

Difficulty in concentrating or focusing on anything

Irritability and anger may increase

Feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness or guilt

May have headaches, cramps or digestive problems


·   Causes:

There are several possible causes that can increase the chances of depression.

·   Some possible causes are:

Genetics - A family history of any mood disorder may increase the chances of depression.

Abuse in any form (physical, sexual, emotional or early childhood trauma) can lead to mental illness.

The risk of depression increases with age.

Certain medical conditions like chronic illness, chronic pain, ADHD can make you more vulnerable to the disorder.

Certain medications like isotretinoin, corticosteroids, interferon-alpha can increase the risk of illness.

Personal conflicts/disputes or death/loss of a loved one.

Social isolation or major events (like marriage, new job) can cause depression.

Drug abuse

Sometimes depression is triggered by another major illness.


·   The effect of covid-19 on mental health:

 The outrageous corona pandemic has had a major effect on our lives, it has created a sense of fear, worry and concern among all of us. Most folks face challenges that are stressful, overwhelming and causing strong emotions. Social isolation/quarantine has increased the level of stress and anxiety. But these are the times when we have to be strong and positive and try to cope up with this stress.


·   Lifestyle changes you must ensure for healthy body and mind:

Follow a proper diet

Indulge in regular yoga / exercise

Meditation helps in relaxation

Spend quality time with your friends and family

Ensure proper sleeping schedule

Try to minimize the negative impact of stress

Give time to your hobbies and fun activities at home

Work on your skills and make your day productive


·   Yoga poses / Pranayama which will help you overcome depression

Simple lifestyle changes like yoga, meditation and proper nutrition will have a positive effect in your life.

Some yoga poses / pranayamas beneficial for depression are listed below:


·   Yoga Poses:

  Shishuasana (child pose)

Savasana (corpse pose)

Setu bandhasana (bridge pose)

Adho mukha svanasana (downward facing dog pose)

Paschimottanasana ( seated forward bend pose)

Halasana (plow pose)

Urdhva dhanurasana (upward facing bow pose)

Mandukasana (frog pose)

Sarvangasana (shoulder stand pose)

Vakrasana (Half spinal twist pose)

Pawanmuktasana (wind relieving)

Prasarita padottanasana (wide angle standing forward bend )


·   Pranayamas:

Nadi shodhan pranayama  (alternate nostril breathing technique)

Bhramari pranayama (humming bee breathing exercise)

Ujjayi pranayama (ocean breath)


·   Food you should eat to fight depression:










Dark chocolate


Green tea


·   Food you should avoid to fight depression:

Sugar-sweetened drinks

White bread

Packed/processed food


Energy drinks


Fried food

High-fat dairy products

Candies and pastries


Positive affirmations can make a big difference in our life, it can counter the patterns of negative thinking and help improve overall well-being. So, keep a positive attitude and believe “I deserve all that is good.”



By: Sakshi Bisht | Life Within

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