Manage your Mental and Emotional Health during Corona Virus Lockdown | Taanya Nagi
- Nov 20, 2020
- 1224 View
As humans, we are all in pursuit of that “elusive thing” called happiness. Isn’t true? Why then do we fail to capture it...
As humans, we are all in pursuit of that “elusive thing” called happiness. Isn’t true? Why then do we fail to capture it permanently? Because those of us who have understood the secret to happiness, also know that it’s essence exists in three states of pure potential within each moment. You can experience it as:-
1. The Moment Magic
2. The Moment of Misery
3. The Moment of Truth
Let me share a story with you. One day, I set up a coffee date with a dear friend, I was very excited to meet and catch up on news. The day arrived, and as I was driving to the café I received a call from my friend stating that he will have to cancel due to an urgent work commitment – I experienced a moment of misery.
Nevertheless, I kept my spirits joyful and went to the mall to enjoy a nice cappuccino. As I was sitting at my table and people-watching from my quiet corner, I noticed a dear old friend walk into the café and I rushed over to give her a big hug. At this moment, I experienced a moment of magic as this was an unexpected delightful surprise.
While we were chatting and catching up – my cellphone rang. It was my friend from the original date asking if we could still get together as he had completed his urgent business quicker than anticipated – I said, “Sure thing!!!” Within a few moments, my friend joined us, we all had a jolly laugh and a phenomenal sharing session filled with love and laughter. At this moment, I experienced a moment of truth as what I had anticipated became a reality.
So you see this feeling called happiness is safely secure in the shrine of your authentic self, which lies within the sanctum of your soul-space.
How you react to external stimuli – people, places, things ultimately determines the state of your mind+body+heart formula for happiness. Every moment contains the pure potential nectar of joy – you need to learn how to tap into and drink yourself into a blissful stupor of euphoria.
What you think becomes a feeling which eventually creates an energy vibration in your aura. This then becomes the wire frame of your conscious calibration. Each of these feelings come with a frequency variance that directly connects with the cosmos and affects us all. For example – the feelings of apathy and guilt measure at around 25-35 whereas love measures at 500+ and purer states of the soul such as joy and bliss measure at 700+, like the soul states of Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Christ, etc.
Therefore, the key to happiness in all states lies in keeping your thoughts and reactions at a constant stable level and not allowing them to oscillate like a pendulum from “good” to “bad” stimuli. Remember, everything is but an illusion except the truth of soul-space “I Am” – Soham Asmi. The whole point of our existence is to be a blissful observer or a witness to life’s happenings because everything you are experiencing is happening within you. The pictures you see, the people you meet and the places you visit. The physical feelings are experienced within oneself and not externally. So when you can control yourself – you stabilize your vibrational state and positively enhance all those around you into purer states of happiness.
Anu Vittal, CEO of AVC Inc