Power of Gratitude: Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude | Dr. Neeta Bheda
- Nov 16, 2020
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Unlike everyone else, the extreme fear of Corona Virus 19 started in me much before… Each notification that I read since...
Unlike everyone else, the extreme fear of Corona Virus 19 started in
me much before… Each notification that I read since its onset in
December ’19 increased the intensity of my fear… What? Fear of Death is
it? Or is it fear of losing the loved ones…? Each update I read seemed
as if death is approaching a step closer as we see in the Sci-fi movies…
Till finally, it reached my cities- Jaipur and Noida… Now this fear was
at its peak… Each message I received, each link I watched raised the
fear more… I even called up my student who is in the Tarot to do some
readings based upon this fear for me… The High Priestess card was the
final pick… That suggests Surrender and Acceptance… Of course yes… Being
a Psychologist by profession I needed to find out where is this fear
coming from and how can I deal with it…
The fear mostly arises when things are unfamiliar and/or unknown to us… I
then found out, the facts and figures stated that the fear of this
virus is much greater than the virus itself. But can it be true..?
Maybe… May not be… When you teach and practice Clinical Hypnotherapy you
know one thing very clearly- it’s all in the mind… The emotion of fear
can be managed by taking the right measures and then surrendering…
There started the zeal to know what Coivid 19 is… This is what I found next, as per #UNICEF: Corona Virus — Simple to handle
-The coronavirus is large with a cell diameter of 400-500 micro, so any
mask prevents its entry… (so there is no need to exploit pharmacists to
trade with muzzles.)
-The virus does not settle in the air, but on the ground (so it is not transmitted by the air.)
-The coronavirus, when it falls on a metal surface, will live for 12 hours (so washing hands with soap and water well will do the trick.)
-Coronavirus, when it falls on fabrics, stays for 9 hours, (so washing clothes or exposing them to the sun for two hours is enough to kill him.)
-The virus lives on the hands for 10 minutes (so putting the alcohol sanitizes in the pocket is enough for prevention.)
-If the virus is exposed to a temperature of 26-27°C, it will be killed, it does not live in hot areas.
-Also drinking hot water and exposure to the sun is good enough.
-Stay away from ice cream and cold food is important.
-Gargling with warm water and salt kills tonsils and prevents them from leaking into the lungs. Adhering to these instructions are sufficient to prevent the virus.
This much information gave me some senses… At least now I know what is
it about… Thanks for the education my parents gave me!! At least I could
read the information and select which one is the best to focus on… Next began my search for masks and other stuff to take the right measures before finally surrendering it to the Universe…
Items I bought next:
-75M masks
-Arsenicum Album 30 homeopathic medicine from Reckweg (German company) or Sbi (Indian Company)
-Ayurveda remedy… 2 laung, 1ilaichi, 1 kapoor ki tikki, 1 javitri ka
phool… roll them all up in a handkerchief and keep in a pocket…
-Tissue papers|
And then I called my health coach to provide tips for increasing immunity… This is what he suggested:
A virus can impact someone with low immunity. So if you have a low
immune system, viruses, bacteria, infections are more likely to affect
you as compared to those with strong immunity.
Several foods can help you boost immunity but these foods alone will not
boost your immune system. It has to be combined with sleep, exercise,
stress management, and many other factors.
1. Ginger has strong immunity-boosting properties. Include it in your foods.
2. Spinach, not in the raw form can also help you boost immunity. Steam
or boil it lightly as it to prepare an immunity-boosting recipe.
3. Yogurt is great for your gut health. A healthy gut promotes a strong immune system
4. Almonds are loaded with nutrients. A handful of almonds or 8-10 almonds can be consumed daily.
5. Turmeric is one of the best options you must add to your diet for
better immunity. But it should be combined with black pepper and good
fat like coconut oil or pure ghee. Take a half tablespoon of turmeric,
one tablespoon of ghee or coconut oil and a small amount of pepper. It
will boost the absorption of turmeric.
6. Green tea is a healthy beverage. You can drink up to 2-3 cups of fresh green daily.
7. Add more fruits to your diet. Fruits like papaya, berries, and kiwi are some great immunity boosters.
8. Add more protein to your diet. A virus affects the tissues and can
destroy cells and protein helps in repairing tissues. Make sure that you
add a small amount of protein to every meal.
9. Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are also great immunity boosters.
10. Garlic is also loaded with immunity-boosting properties. Consume raw
garlic or boil some garlic and ginger in hot water to prepare a tea.
11. A healthy soup with a combination of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower,
spinach, tomato, onion, garlic, ginger, pumpkin, and turmeric.
Finally, a pep tip from a college student,
“The fear is for the illiterates… We can read and understand it… it is
just a virus… Wear masks and rub sanitizers every 15 mins on your
Now, this wins my heart away!!
Taking all these measures and listening to the advice, I finally surrender it to the best of all…
Now, looking at it from the 3rd angle… How is this virus helping us in the real sense?
-Our national focus has shifted from religion to spirituality.
-Health suddenly becomes the prime focus here which was ignored earlier.
-Love and concern for fellow humans are increasing.
-People with whom we lost touch are sending messages for remaining healthy.
-The size of the virus is too small but it has a strong lesson to teach!
Love and cooperation need to be continued in all situations of life
instead of making weapons to destroy other nations.
-This virus is playing the role to remind me of my human-ness… I rather
thank it for teaching me the lesson of remaining a human, just a human… In the end… Adding my two pence here for all my friends out there:
-Manage your panic state… Remember… Anything that you focus on increases and helps in creating reality…
-Have Faith and just Believe!! This too shall pass…
-Take measures and then surrender… Que sera, sera… Whatever will be, will be…
– So, just live the moment once you take the measures well…
By Dr. Kavita Bhargava | Psychologist & Clinical Hypnotherapist