Trick Your Brain Into Adopting Healthier Habits | Life Within

Whenever you plan to start a new habit, start it on a fresh morning of the workday as your willpower is very high in the...

Trick Your Brain Into Adopting Healthier Habits.

Many people usually find themselves planning to exercise and diet but fail to execute the plan. Are you one among those? Are you trying to exercise or diet but somehow aren't able to reach your goal?
If yes, this article is meant for you.
We often see optimism die over time, and people give up easily on their goals. Why does this happen? Where does the energy you started with vanish? Are you falling short of willpower?
This usually happens because the determination fades away after a while, and your focus is diverted from your goal. Each journey has its ups and downs, and you need to keep yourself motivated throughout it to complete it till the end.
Your brain is in charge of 95% of the work you take up. Whatever you do from the moment you wake up till you go back to bed is controlled by your brain. It wouldn't be wrong to say that humans are just programmed devices, where the control lies in the hands of brains.
Thus, you need to trick your brain take up new and healthy habits and follow them consistently. Good habits ease up the hard work and keep you refreshed throughout the day. Following are some easy steps to help you take up a new task and turn it into a routine. Take a step towards becoming a better version of yourself!
Always set small goals so that you can complete those small goals. For example, when you are thinking of losing weight, change your diet for a day and stick to it rather than planning a rigorous
diet for the week that lies ahead. If you eat Maggie, start adding vegetables to it so that you can eat healthily. Take a 15 minutes' walk or meditate for 15 mins. In this process, you train your brain to understand things and incorporate those into your daily life.
Whenever you plan to start a new habit, start it on a fresh morning of the workday as your willpower is very high in the morning. Thus, you can be content all day thinking that you have done something towards your own self.
Understand that taking up a new habit does not mean you should put yourself through any trouble. Do activities that you like so you can develop a good tradition, as well as you are doing work with pleasure.
You can be happy yourself. If you don't want to exercise, find someone close to you and enjoys exercising. Workout with those people. So, you may inadvertently develop a new and better habit.
Trying every day is the agave cure for a new good habit. Working hard for the adaptation of change, you have to practice every day to get used to that change, and then you will reach your goal very quickly. 
Adapting to a change and turning it into a habit is not easy. You need to put in efforts and remain self-motivated to achieve it.
All of this will make it easier for you to reach your goal naturally. Your brain will adopt a new habit. Adaptation of a good change can make a big difference in your life. This journey is a different experience for everyone, and you shouldn't give up until you reach your goal. Encourage yourself every day and be happy. You will face many difficulties along the path, but be ready to give up everything; a small effort will achieve your set goal.

By: Shruti Shrivastava | Life Within

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