How To Deal With Depression During Coronavirus Time? | Dr Prameela Sreemangalam

Challenges were overwhelming and caused strong emotions in both adults and children. This understandably have placed men...

How To Deal With Depression:


In 2020, society woke up with the threat of corona virus which was invading the world. Very soon, it began to create a crisis of the unprecedented and unknowable.


While social distancing was intended as a measure to disrupt the physical spread, it began to stall flow of goods, work and which began to impact the social economy. Economic contagion began to take the pace of the coronavirus itself.


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on our lives. It has placed stresses upon families and the world. This pandemic is something we will never forget. It would be etched in the minds forever.


Pressing questions include the path of the shock and timeline of recovery, effects upon the physical and mental health and whether there is enough cohesive measures to revive from the damage?


For many this was a more personal and tough phase with loss of loved ones, distress at emotional, physical or even financial area, which no one can fathom the full import of.


Challenges were overwhelming and caused strong emotions in both adults and children. This understandably have placed mental health stress and triggers like - worry, fear, uncertainty, depression, anxiety and more on minds.


Learning to cope with stress in a healthy way will make you and the people you care about, and those around you become more resilient.


While these present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; yet it can make you to reflect and determine where you can start.


Everyday begins with the act of courage and hope and being grateful about your day passed by.


Coping Mechanism & Re-Inventing Self -

1. Pause, Breathe, Ease Out & Reflect.

2. Keep to a healthy routine - diet, rest, exercise, meditations & yoga.

3. Stay connected with others through messages and calls. Give hope and support to someone weaker.

4. Communicate with people who makes you feel happy. Laugh out on discussions and learn to let-go, be at ease.

5. Build strength - When we have conquered a state within, we experience it in the reality outside.

6. Avoid physical meets and gatherings.

7. Stay updated of your locality medical system and state laws.

8. When you realize that you are hitting the border of the fence - Undertake online Psychological coping therapies & inner healing sessions.

9. Re-Invent your hobbies, it eases out your personal stresses. When one engages with their hobbies, they feel more happier and accomplished. An upward spiral towards wellness is accomplished.

10. Grow your spiritual talents and visions. Engage in creative activities like writing, gardening, musical and dance art form. It helps you to restructure your career and may help you to identify your hidden abilities - Consider this was for a new kickstart for your life.


Let's pick up the thread and heal it as we move ahead…


By: Dr Prameela Sreemangalam

PhD in Psychotherapy & Counseling

Dr Prameela Sreemangalam, a 50 Top Global Mental Health Thought Leader is the Founder and Director of Mind Scan™.
Photo Credit: <a href="">People photo created by wayhomestudio -</a>

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