2021: Building Your Mental Resilience | Shruti Srivastava
This year has probably broken the barriers of silence between strangers and issues as important as Mental Health. But th...
- by Life Within Editor
- Feb 06, 2021

2020 was not even close to how we imagined
Phew, what a mentally exhausting,
physically annoying, and emotionally draining year it had been. And if I may,
I'd like to speak on behalf of the world - We all need a fresh start, don’t we?
The ongoing pandemic has already claimed a
million lives and counting, yet we are not even close to seeing its END. Even
as the Covid vaccine arrives, the big question remains: Will it turn the
situation around, altogether? From a mental health perspective, I believe many
of us are still experiencing post-traumatic reactions to Covid-19.
While the vaccine will be better managing
the physical risks, psyche experts weigh-in on the importance of dealing with
psychological well-being. Expressing her views on the same, during an interview
with CNN, Lisa Carlson, an executive administrator at the Emory University
School of Medicine in Atlanta said, "We don't have a vaccine for our
mental health as we do for our physical health."
This year has probably broken the barriers
of silence between strangers and issues as important as Mental Health. But the
inability to face the invisible enemy: Corona Virus, was a major factor that
shook our mental health.
Besides dealing with the fear of staying
safe and surviving, people (adults) worldwide had to face multiple hardships
that came unannounced: job loss, economic adversities, loneliness &
isolation, death of loved ones, etc. For children, it was even worse, there was
absolutely no explanation for why they were being held indoors and not allowed
to step out and meet their friends. Even though everyone was literally at their
home – with no work, no school!
On top of that, they literally had no
option but to resort to virtual home-schooling that deprived their chance at
social development, overall.
All of this contributed to people becoming
tenser…leading to negative thoughts.
Falling back into the patterns of negative
thinking is easy but moving forward… “taking care of ourselves and each other
should be everybody's focus as we go into 2021,” said Carlon and added that
people should be spending more time “on the basics to get sleep, to eat healthy
meals, to move throughout the day, to spend time with pets and loved ones.”
And now that life is headed back to
normalcy, for many it’s now have become even more mentally challenging.
Some people have lost their jobs, some have
lost their health insurance, some are forced to commute via public transport
and some don’t even have enough to pay for the roof over their head or have
food on their table. All of this is an additional hit to mental stability.
But no more…we’ve got to come together,
help each other and work together to overcome these challenges. That’s the only
way out. The only good thing about the Year 2020 was that it united people all
over the world. People have become more empathetic towards each other, animals,
and mother nature. Perhaps a new year has paved way for new hope.
So instead of fixating on a problem that
may or may not arrive, we ought to emphasize taking the baby steps: Sleep well,
eat healthily, meditate often, offer help to those who reach out, and above all
be KIND!
By: Shruti Shrivastava | Life within