Akshay Tritiya And Ashtalakshmi Pooja On 14th May...

On this propitious day, people should take a resolve to leave behind all the negative...

Celebrate Hanuman Jayanti to appease the Navagrah...

Before commencing the pooja rituals related to Lord Hanuman, special prayers are offe...

Ananga Trayodashi Vrata | Dr. Surendra Kapoor

The trayodashi which falls on the shukla paksha of Margashirsha month is known by the...

Food Astrology: A guide on what you should eat and...

Our health depends on our food intake. What we choose to eat daily has a significant...

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Playing Holi Can Help You Boost Your Mental Health...

Don't we use colours to express emotions and feelings? So, why not use this rainbow o...

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Holi: A festive ecstasy that fills life with bliss...

Holi represents unity in diversity among the people of India which has been the very...

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The Tale of Metaphysical Stones | Sonia Wadhwa

The way they are formed & go on forming – is a never ending process – as they are liv...

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Makar Sankranti - a day to invite goodness and lig...

Makar Sankranti is celebrated in different names and by following different rituals a...

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Mesh Rashi Annual Prediction for 2021 | Dr. Surend...

Try to attain blessing from your elders. Try to serve elders, teachers, monks and par...

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Mesh Rashi Monthly Prediction for 2021 | By Dr. Su...

Mesh, the Moon sign, is a leader in action. This sign symbolizes new beginnings, opti...

2021 Year of Hope and Promises Predictions | Dr. S...

This highly auspicious effect will result into economic and spiritual progress for ou...

In- Depth Numerology Reading | Dr. Shisham Bansal...

Numero means numbers and logy means study.Thus study of numbers.numerology have so mu...

The 48 Bhaktamar Infinity Energy Healing Faculty a...

The 48 Infinity Energy, an extensive research in reintroducing the effects of energy...

तो ये गुरु, परमात्मा से मिला देगा | रोशन लाल अग्रव...

ये गुरू ही हैं जिसके माध्यम से हम परमात्मा को जान सकते है। गुरू गोविन्द सिंह जी ने कह...

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  • Nov 18, 2020
  • 895 View
मतकर बात निराशा की | रोशन लाल अग्रवाल

बूंद डरती है,, सागर में जाएगी तो खो जाएगी। यह डर सच तो है परंतु झूठ से ज्यादा कुछ और...