Guru Purnima - A Festive Celebration Dedicated to Vyasa | By Dr. Surendra Kapoor
- Aug 25, 2020
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Spirituality allows us to go beyond the physical limits within which we perceive this material world and witness a highe...
Big Bang and the Creation of Universe
The diagram of the Big Bang (Attached) © Quantum physics asserts that everything in the cosmos is but a reverberation of energies. Interestingly, what scientific research has discovered in recent decades, the yogis and enlightened beings had experienced it thousands of years ago. In order to fully understand the essence of AUM, we need to consider the time prior to the Big Bang. Before the universe came into existence, eternal dark energies pervaded everywhere – it was an endless space of nothingness, known as Kali. And then, as a result of random quantum fluctuations, a gigantic cosmic explosion occurred. The scientists termed this as the Big Bang because it released immeasurable amounts of energy in the form of heat, light, and sound, ultimately giving birth to billions of galaxies, stars, solar systems, planets, and life as we know it. If we look at the timeline of events since the Big Bang, it resembles the shape of a bell which portrays the constantly expanding nature of this universe. This cosmic explosion is regarded as Shiva and the all-encompassing dark energies are known as Aadyashakti (which literally means Primal energy). The Shiva Linga, which has been worshipped in our culture for ages, also symbolizes that the universe is expanding with every moment.
Shiva Linga depicting the ever-expanding universe (Attached) © The scientific community defines them (dark energies) as plain energies vibrating at different frequencies and that is where spirituality differs from the scientific approach to understand the cosmos. Spirituality believes that these omnipresent energies possess fundamental intelligence. They are conscious in nature and manifest in countless forms throughout the universe. They carry within themselves immense possibilities and knowledge that is well beyond the capacity of human intellect to grasp. Given the dichotomous nature of this creation, at some point, the ever-expanding universe will begin to contract and eventually merge into the same nothingness from which it was born. The fact that we are a part of something so incomprehensibly grand really puts into perspective our purpose of being here, that is, to realize the true nature of self and to liberate ourselves from this ongoing transmigration before we too merge into that nothingness.
Origin of AUM The primordial sound that is said to have emanated from the Big Bang is the sound of AUM, which reverberates ceaselessly and will do so as long as this universe exists. It is the fundamental vibration that timelessly resonates within all living and non-living objects and encompasses both the macrocosm as well as the microcosm. It wouldn’t be wrong to regard it as the Song of God – the primal energy that wields the absolute power of Creation, Preservation, and Dissolution. Thus, the sound of AUM has a much deeper meaning than what most of us presently assume. This is why so many religious philosophies such as Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism have propounded its importance through their chants and mantras, all of which are invariably initiated with the sound of AUM. In a way, they teach us to relate ourselves with the eternal consciousness, a part of which resides within us all, instead of confining ourselves to mortal identities and limitations of body and mind. [Quote] The verses propound the glory of AUM as a medium of liberation – omkaram bindu sanyuktam, nityam dhyayanti yoginah kamadam mokshadam chaiva, omkaaraya namo namah Meaning: (Salutations to the ethereal sound of AUM, to whom enlightened yogis constantly meditate, that fulfills their desires and leads them to Salvation. Salutations to the all-encompassing force of Shiva…) The universe originated from AUM – this notion certainly makes it clear that AUM isn’t a word, nor is it an alphabet or syllable found in any language. It is a spiritual symbol that represents the ethereal sound that has been here much before the emergence of life itself, let alone the evolution of language or any form of physical communication between living beings! Sri Guru further elaborates on this revered symbol, giving it a profound interpretation by associating it with the four states of consciousness.
The Symbolic Interpretation of AUM
The symbolism of AUM (Attached Illustration) As we know, the symbol AUM consists of three curves and a crescent curve on top along with a single dot. Together, they represent the four states of consciousness. The cosmic intelligence manifests within us through these four states:
1. Jagrit Awastha – The State of Wakefulness The lowermost larger curve symbolizes wakefulness or Jagrit Awasthi. In this state, the consciousness manifests through our five senses, namely, our ability to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. This includes our organs of action and perception with the help of which we experience the outside world. Within this state lie all our worldly identities, social relationships, and roles such as family, community, religion, gender, profession, etc. All the actions and conscious efforts towards fulfilling our aspirations of wealth, fame, beauty, health, knowledge, and so on take place when we are in this wakeful state. Here, we can make two intriguing observations – first, we inherently avoid any circumstance which may bring us pain or suffering because to willingly experience pain isn’t our primal nature. Second, we keep searching for more joy and fulfillment throughout our lifetime irrespective of what we already have, because it is our innermost desire to attain the boundless and infinite happiness. However, whether or not we succeed depends upon where we are looking for it. If we pursue happiness by turning inwards, we may find it in abundance (as is the nature of God). On the other hand, if we indulge our senses in materialistic pleasures, ego, malice, or greed mistaking them for happiness, we move farther away from our true selves and may never really experience it. The state of wakefulness is a way to affirm that the short-lived nature of our mortal self cannot give us endless happiness. In this state, we can invoke spiritual awareness towards our thoughts & actions and ultimately realize our limitless nature.
2. Swapna Awastha – The Dream State The curve in the middle depicts the state of dream or Swapna Awasthi. If we pay attention, we can see that the curve is turning inwards. This signifies that our consciousness turns towards Self and away from the outside world when we are in the state of dream. In a dream, our consciousness manifests itself via innumerable ways. To put it in simpler terms, the people or objects that we see, the situations we come across, and the emotions (like joy, fear, or anxiety) that we feel while dreaming are all conjured by our own consciousness! So what is the importance of this state? Everything happening within a dream is our consciousness guided in different forms and is therefore able to induce real emotions and feelings at that time, even if nothing is occurring in actuality. This is a profound reflection of the eternal consciousness (that we call God) which manifests itself in infinite ways and forms across the universe. All living and non-living things exist within this cosmic dream of God. Through the dream state, God wants us to understand this entire Creation is but a divine play (Leela) where we are all thespians playing a certain role.
3. Sushupti Awastha – The State of Deep Sleep The upper left curve represents the state of deep sleep or Sushupti Awasthi. In the deep sleep state, there is no awareness of self nor are there any dreams. These are moments that are free from the bonds of duality and void of any thought, internal and external desire, positive or negative emotion. There is only the experience of nothingness. This state is the closest to the realization of God.
4. Turiya Awastha – The State of Absolute Truth The small dot at the top signifies the most subtle level at which God manifests within us, the state of absolute peace and bliss. It is the experience of pure omnipresent consciousness, the all-encompassing God Himself. It is where the Knower and Knowledge become one, transcending the states of wakefulness, dream, and deep sleep. In fact, the dot of Turiya Awastha represents the Absolute whole from which the other three states have emerged. The crescent curve at the top, which separates the dot from the other three curves, symbolizes the veil of Maya or Illusion. It is the force of Maya that prevents us from attaining the highest state of consciousness. It keeps us confined within the limits of duality. The circular boundary around the symbol of AUM represents the complete cycle including the creation of the universe (from the Big Bang), its ongoing expansion, and the final submergence into nothingness. Within this periphery lies everything – our past, present, and future, all our aspirations of having unending happiness as well as the efforts towards achieving the state of Self-realization. However, due to a lack of clarity about the purpose of this human life, we tend to get over-attached to false beliefs and our limited identities. Under the illusion of Dharma, we indulge in acts like recitals, chanting, praying, doing charity, or visiting pilgrimages either without clarity or merely for selfish gains. Doing so, we deprive ourselves of any possibility of transformation and remain imprisoned in this cycle of life and death. It is by embracing spirituality under the aura of an enlightened master, that we awaken from within and shed our ignorance. In the first chapter of Shri Ashtavakra Gita, when Guru Ashtavakra reveals to king Janak that his true identity is beyond these three states and the absolute nature of self forever remains unaffected by the force of Maya, Janak experienced Turiya Awasthi. In the surrenders of a Sadguru, we receive clarity about the three states of consciousness. The state of deep sleep is the experience nothingness, while the dream state shows us that everything in this existence is a manifestation of the same eternal consciousness in this cosmic dream of God. But it is in the state of wakefulness that we can consciously rid ourselves from duality and evolve as human beings by invoking a spiritual yearning to seek a higher state of being – the state of absolute bliss.
AUM – The Sound of Creation, Sustenance, and Dissolution The three curves in the symbol of AUM are also interpreted as energies that effortlessly perform the function of creation, sustenance, and dissolution. They are also known as Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh, respectively. The entire existence undergoes this wonderful process, including ourselves. • Brahma, the force of creation, gives birth to every element in the universe. For example the physical development of our body as well as our mental and intellectual growth. • Vishnu, the force of sustenance, supports everything from the revolution of stars and planets to the complex biological processes at the smallest level. • Mahesh is the force of dissolution that restores order in the universe by eliminating the old for the creation of new. Hence, there undoubtedly exists a perfect harmony between the energies of Creation, Sustenance, and Dissolution throughout the universe. Nature works in complete sync with these energies to maintain this elegant balance. For instance, the flow of rivers and oceans, the changing of seasons, the rotation of the earth around the sun, the migration of birds, the germination of seeds, the sophisticated mechanisms inside our body, the evolution of species – all these phenomena occur in coherence with the cosmic vibrations in nature! Unfortunately, due to the effect of Maya along with our deep-rooted ignorance, we humans have become widely incoherent with these cosmic vibrations. This is evident at several levels. As individuals, we are more stressed and dissatisfied than ever. The morals and principles that uphold peace in society have become weaker and ineffective. There are severe conflicts and wars happening among nations across the globe. Such disharmony exists in our world because unlike the coherence in the cosmos, the vibrations in our body, mind, and heart are haphazard and chaotic. Consequently, our thoughts, emotions, and actions are neither in sync with each other nor with our inner consciousness. Thankfully, with the help of our conscious efforts and certain meditation techniques, we can put an end to this disharmony and chaos within and experience peace.
The Song of God – Recitation of A, U, M Through meditation, we bring our incoherent vibrations in harmony with the pure and coherent energies of the universe. Adi Yogi Shiva was the first yogi and mystic who mastered the way of liberation through yogic meditation practices. The technique that involves reciting the sound of A, U, M is one of 112 yogic techniques revealed by Adi Yogi. The sound of each of the three letters A, U, M corresponds to a different aspect of the divine energies. • ‘A’ (aa) is the sound of Brahma, the force of creation. It arises from the lower part of our body and influences the areas including the abdomen, diaphragm region, and our reproductive organs. The conception of human life within a mother’s womb is a beautiful example of the way the creative force of Brahma manifests itself. • ‘U’ (uu) is the sound that invokes Vishnu, the force of sustenance. This sound reverberates between the diaphragm region to the pit of our throat. • ‘M’ (mm) is the sound that symbolizes Mahesh, the force of dissolution and transformation. It resonates from the throat region to the head. Concluding Lines: These three frequencies of vibration are constantly reverberating in our body but due to lack of inner awareness we are unable to feel their presence. The recitation of AUM gradually brings the disorderly vibrations in our body and mind in sync with the cosmic energies. Under the guidance of a living Sadguru, we embrace the essence of this majestic sound of AUM, which transforms our perspective and invokes the experience of Oneness.
– Derived from the first Talk of the Ekam Series by Sri Guru, on 22nd July 2018