Kundalini Yoga: Lady of the Cinders | Yog Martand Yogiraj Siddhanath

There is a huge curiosity in minds of yogic practitioners and layperson alike about the rise and awakening of Kundalini...

There is a huge curiosity in minds of yogic practitioners and layperson alike about the rise and awakening of Kundalini energy. People have both great eagerness and apprehensions in their minds about the consequences of such an event were it to happen to them. The rise of kundalini energy, which is rightly understood as the dormant energy lying coiled under the base of the spine, is indeed an event which leads towards that highest state of spiritual trance known as samadhi.

 But how to distinguish between the real event and hallucinations of it that the mind produces. One often hears that people mistake the slightest sign of spiritual experience or some jolts or disturbances they have felt as indisputable signs that their kundalini has risen. This is not so.

Kundalini is derived from the Sanskrit root word kunda meaning fire-pit. It is said that the residual energy left after the creation of prakriti or nature was made to reside in this fire-pit in the form of a coiled-serpent at the base of our spines. It is here that this dormant form of parashakti, “the lady of the cinders” lies awaiting to be fanned by the yogic breath of consolidated prana. Kriya Yoga which is directly focused at building a reservoir of pranic energy within the spinal channel has long known that it is only through the ceaseless movement of the Kriya life-force in the central channel of the sushumna nadi that one’s entire mental energies are bound together and transformed into pure prana. It is through perseverance in personal practice and constant support and guidance of a Satguru that this evolutionary life-force called kundalinithen rises from its base in the fire-pit and blazes up the chimney of spinal canal. The experience at that point is as effortless and devoid of disturbances as that of the flower opening up its petals and releasing its fragrance when the morning dew settles upon it.

Each and every element of Kundalini Kriya Yoga practice comes together to form a composite whole with a single aim towards kundalini awakening which is also the reason why it is often called the speediest route towards the liberation of our dormant self.

Author: Yog-Martand-Yogiraj-Siddhanath

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