Karma & The Call Of Union | Paula Horan

Most people know me through my connection with and several books on Reiki, yet my true heart work has always been, my re...

Karma & The Call Of Union: Bring Presence To Your Passion, Sexuality As A Vehicle to Awakening Workshop
Most people know me through my connection with and several books on Reiki, yet my true heart work has always been, my retreat on Jnana Yoga, which includes teachings and exercises, and certain forms of meditation which is designed to lead the participant to a direct experience of non-dual awareness, or more precisely ones own true nature. The retreat, entitled Core Empowerment was inspired by my years with Sri H.W.L. Poonjaji, one of the three main disciples of Sri Ramana Maharshi.

Over thirty years have passed since its inception and although it is still going strong, it became obvious to me in 2012, that I needed to create an additional way to convey these teachings to participants who needed a shorter format. Thus a series of eight, three dayKarma Completion programs were born. Theaim of each Karma Completion program is to integrate non-dual awareness into a different area of our lives.

Some titles of previous Karma Completion programs illustrate their objectives: Karma-The Matrix of the World: Unraveling the Illusion Cultivate Awareness of Fixations, Karma-The Call of Dharma: Follow Your Heart Wake Up Through Your Worldly Role, Karma-The Alchemy of Abundance: Beyond Grasping For Matter Fulfill Your Desires Without Attachment, Karma In Your DNA: Transform Your Ancestral Fixations Empower Your Cells For Evolution, to name a few.

The latest program is titled: Karma and the Call Of Union: Bring Presence To Your Passion Sexuality As A Vehicle To Compassion:
Kundalini (“of kundali”) – means tied in a knot or coiled. It refers to energy which is dormant due to lack of awareness and an open pathway for it to flow and rise. What is blocking it, is karmic obscurations which manifest as energetic blocks in the energy channels. These blocks can be removed in a number of ways according to the different traditions.

This energy can be trained to unravel through meditation and certain spiritual practices that you do on your own, and in later more advanced stages, you can fine-tune your skills with the help of a sexual partner who will help you to ground these energies and help you direct them in a more precise manner.

These are the secret practices found in the Buddhist, Taoist and Hindu systems which are kept secret due to the general ignorance of the public, who would misuse this knowledge and actually create bad karma for themselves due to misuse and ignorance.

The fact is, most sex misses out on real intimacy and connection. It tends to be oriented in a masculine goal-directed way to experience peak orgasm, which doesn’t allow most women to get genuinely turned on. Women remain disappointed and thus men feel this and also remain dissatisfied. The whole world revolves around this major misunderstanding of a very basic human function, which is so necessary to our human need for real intimacy and connection.

A sacred sexual experience of being fully present and conscious and aware in the body with a partner who can share true intimacy and compassion and also knows how to be fully present with us is one way to help us become accustomed to our true nature which is bliss, the very thing our ego is most in resistance to.

The ego resists genuine presence because when we are fully present in true bliss, at the moment, the ego is not present…..and ego does not, not want to be present. Although as awareness we have always been awake, we do not notice it due to ego identification. It is the identification with the ego that is our undoing. Ego’s attachment to suffering keeps us lost in this delusion.

Having a loving partner to connect within true intimacy is one of the primary ways to wake up out of this delusion. Lifetimes of being addicted to suffering is not an easy habit to overcome. A partner who has the same longing to wake up out of this delusion and is not afraid of true intimacy and is willing to expose their vulnerability to their partner is a true godsend and can enable us to finally wake up.

A key element of this program is to bring men and women together to help both sexes gain a real understanding of each other and the real but wonderful differences that exist and how to use them in a loving caring way to help each other become more loving caring individuals, and in that process, help ground each other in true love and intimacy, which is what we all seek but so rarely find on a consistent basis.

Another key issue we will focus on in this program is the sexual trauma we all carry from numerous lifetimes. In certain lifetimes we may have been a soldier in war and pillaged, raped, and killed people mercilessly. This karma comes back and later you experience being raped yourself. Justice is pristine when it comes to karma and it is your mind that metes it out. I have worked on hundreds of bodies with point holding work and EFT, and every one of them held sexual trauma in the body, and often from previous lives, not the present one. These stored memories from previous lives often affect us deeply in this life on a subconscious level. The work we will do in this program will help you access these memories and complete them so that they no longer control you and warp your own experience of sexuality. Many of us numb out during sex and some times even check out of our bodies due to these withheld traumas either from this life or from previous lives.

What this program is ultimately all about, is to bring people home to their true nature, that includes a sensual self which seeks connection with a like-hearted other. To be able to feel oneself from head to toe, from the inside out, enables oneself to feel the fullness of being. Rather than the typical head focus, we are all mesmerized with these days, we get back in touch with the body which can really put us in tune with the awareness of our heart-mind or Citta.

This program is designed to help both singles and couples who wish to discover a part of life which is often cloaked in both unnecessary taboos and gross misunderstandings, overcome their fears and disappointments regarding sex and intimacy and find balance and ecstatic joy with one of the finest mysteries of life.
By Dr. Paula Horan

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