How To Deal With Depression During Coronavirus Time? | Dr Prameela Sreemangalam
- Aug 25, 2020
- 1244 View
COVID 19 was an unpredictable hit out of the blue. Even though, Hollywood-producers have made billions from Sci-Fi flick...
Locked down, Yes. Pandemic, Yes. Can Corona knock my door anytime? Yes.
I feel scared, I feel threatened in my own city as each day I hear the NEWS on TV, on WhatsApp and in videos reaching me from various vantage points, or should I confess that I Google for ‘Corona update’ many times a day.
Since the time I remember, Rakesh wanted to be a chef and became one, and within three years he took a loan and opened a high-end fine dining restaurant in one of the best malls of the capital of India, Delhi……
Rehaan, a sportsperson from his mind, body, and heart played football, travelled to places for matches, he went to the gymnasium regularly and built his muscles as well as endurance to play and to win. He loved the stadium filled with fans, shouting and singing the national anthem when the crowd cheered and chanted his name.
All the NEWS is true, probably. Overrated at times, maybe. I am honestly frightened. I’m suffering from the ‘fear of the unknown’ syndrome. Should I be truthful to myself, I am in distress as I am going through the fear of loss of my Identity.
COVID 19 was an unpredictable hit out of the blue. Even though, Hollywood-producers have made billions from Sci-Fi flicks where they created their own destruction and were shortsighted to ignore the power of MANIFESTATION.
It is the undeniable truth that for the first time in the history of humankind, a complete lockdown has happened. The risk of unwarranted death is right outside our doors. The fear of losing our identity is hanging right on top of our heads. All seem in vain, uncertain, incomprehensible suddenly.
Some would have graduated and some would have gotten their first job, some others must have planned a new life at the onset of 2020. There are billions at stake. As time is progressing, one may feel worthless, hopeless, and even lifeless.
Some choose to unite with their own creed while others may want to extend their help to all. They do not realize that there is no OTHER.
Everything is discontinued. We may feel we are losing ourselves. Tomorrow seems hazy and the insecurity is gripping us. Are we going to get over this hurdle quickly or is it going to linger for some more time? We do not know.
At times, stillness grips me when I am with myself. During those moments of nothingness, I see how we, the people have united to fight against the novel virus. I have started feeling the warmth amongst the cold social distancing. I have started hearing the sounds of nature around me. I now listen to the sounds of silence which resets hope in me.
Is Earth not everlasting and eternal? Is change not permanent and inevitable?
Sometimes we need to be brave enough to outgrow the life we have built. At times, we just know that it’s time to let go of the old and start afresh and trust and allow the magic to unfold.
Is it not that we, the human species, have learned the skill of adaptation? We know exactly how to change and modify ourselves and our environments to suit our needs. We have gained knowledge to twist and turn the situation in our favor.
Only that at this time of the hour, we are caught unaware, the Earth asked us to pause, stop, contemplate, transform, and then move on. We are at the broad crossroad standing on the Red light waiting for the Green signal to appear.
Only that, this time the switch of the signal is in the hands of time. Time, which is irreversible. Time, which is quantifiable. Time, which is everlasting and ever running in its own pace and space.
It is here and now, we readjust ourselves and start valuing our truth and begin to become qualified for our planet once again.
The new will only emerge when we shift to the new vortex, a future of possibilities.
Rakesh and Rehaan will strike back again, in a little while, maybe with a new approach with a positive attitude and clear intent.
It is here and now we identify our powers to reload ourselves with energy to create the new reality there and then.
If thoughts manifest action, then thoughts possess the authority to transform and transit from old, overused, misused, abused, fearful patterns and trust towards oneself, to a finer, sensible, and sensitive world.
This is the time to reform and to recreate our new identity.
Vibha is a professional speaker, an Image consultant, and a teacher, a certified Relationship & Clarity coach. She is associated with healing modalities like Pranic, Hypnotherapy, Tarot reading, and others since the year 2000.
She is a practitioner of Shamanism (Michael Harner). She is the founder of Aumtara foundation and the spiritual hub and VR Image consulting She believes in the JOY of living, thriving with gratitude!