Awakening To The Call Of Time: Emotional Protection From Corona Virus | BK Shivani
- Aug 25, 2020
- 1372 View
Guru Purnima - A Festive Celebration Dedicated to Vyasa | By Dr. Surendra Kapoor
- Aug 25, 2020
- 1938 View
Remaining healthy in the wake of this pandemic is our # 1 goal today. For that, besides taking all precautions and follo...
Remaining healthy in the wake of this pandemic is our # 1 goal today. For that, besides taking all precautions and following all the guidelines laid out, we need to be emotionally strong. Emotional strength refers to our state of mind. As we know, our mind is the creator of our every thought. And our every thought has an effect on the cells of our body. Every thought is a message to the body, to which the body responds. So with every thought, we can either radiate either health or illness to our body. Today a large number of diseases are psychosomatic, which means our persistent negative thoughts of fear, stress, anger, anxiety, and pain have manifested into illnesses depression, anxiety attacks, diabetes, high blood pressure, and so on.
Someone can panic even in the smallest of scenes while another can remain absolutely stable in a crisis. Each of us responds to external stimuli differently, based on our emotional strength. Emotional health affects mental health. Mental health and emotional health put together, affect physical health. If we allow an external stimulus like the virus to overpower us and create thoughts of anxiety and fear, we lose peace of mind, deteriorating physical health, and strain relationships. Moreover, our low vibrations radiate to everyone around us and deplete them.
Emotional strength is not about the right thinking only when there is a challenge, but it’s about right thinking all the time. These few days of lockdown need to be utilized meaningfully, so we become emotionally resilient. We can use this time to reprogram our minds to think right, create lifestyle disciplines, and develop a healthy routine. The following are simple steps to remain emotionally strong and protected. Subsequently, we can convert them into lifelong habits, and enjoy good emotional, mental, and physical health.
Following is a meditation to remain powerful and emotionally protected from the Coronavirus. Sit back, relax the body, and begin this guided commentary. As you read each sentence, visualize it and feel it. Repeat this every morning and every night before you sleep. Also repeat these thoughts each time before you consume food and water, to purify them –
“I am a powerful being. Anything that I desire and I think of … I can do it. I am a peaceful soul… my every thought is right… peaceful… stable. I am a pure soul… my every thought, every word is a blessing. My body is free from illness… my body is perfect and healthy… and will always be. Purity, peace, and power are reaching every cell of my body… my immunity system is at the highest. I am safe… protected. My relationships are very loving… we accept each other… we are united. My job… my business is safe, secure… success is certain for me. This year my salary… my profits… will be the highest until now. My career will only and only keep progressing forward… success is certain for me. God’s powers are all around me… like an energy circle. A circle of white, golden light… God’s powers are my protective shield… nothing can enter inside this circle… I am protected By God’s love and powers. God’s power is an energy circle around my family… my family is safe. God’s power is reaching every soul on this planet… every soul is powerful… fearless… safe. God’s powers surround the whole world… as a circle of purity. My world is safe. Protected. That thing which had come… it is completely finished… finished forever. Our world is protected by God’s powers.”