Health Is Ease, We Invite Disease | Sri Brahma Murari

The biggest wealth man can ever possess is nothing other than good health, a health free from disease and infirmity.

Health Is Ease, We Invite Disease

The biggest wealth man can ever possess is nothing other than good health, a health free from disease and infirmity.

“A sound mind rests in a sound body.” Clearly indicates that a person must take care of his or his physical health, to have a sound and developed mind. Hence physical health is very important for mental growth.

It is almost impossible to cure diseases by medication alone. Let us look at our own grandparents who happily lived their full life with better health, free from frequent diseased condition of the body and mind. If only, one can have inspiration and encouragement to take interest, in one’s own health, and follow certain basic do’s and don’ts, he or she can be assured of perfect health of both, mind and body. This may not, however, guarantee a frontal attack on the diseases or microbes to get rid of illness, but would surely strengthen the natural defense mechanism of the body.

In quest of good health, man seeks many things that he need not look for, and fails to seek what he should. Thus, in trying to escape disease and misfortune, man seeks the help of various branches of different systems such as Drugs, Medicines, Surgery, Yoga, variety of therapies such as Behaviour therapy, Light therapy, Magnet therapy, Occupational therapy, Oil therapy, physiotherapy, Psychotherapy, Shock therapy, Speech therapy, Water therapy, Reiki, Pranic healing so on and so forth. Likewise, in time of crises, he seeks the help of Meditation, Prayer, Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology, Gemmology, Vaastu and other methods like Mantras or Yantras etc., He or she either gets solace, satisfaction or faces further disaster.

Food is the most essential substance for the survival of mankind and there are two important, but simple, laws to be followed.

In treating disease, food ranks with medicines. Many diseases are known to occur from bad eating habits, from faulty diet and failure to observe simple laws on hygiene. The rest is organic and mechanical – the defects in organs not being able to respond to normal action, to synchronize with other organs in action. By correcting eating habits, it will be found that the organism will be able to restore itself.

Therefore, it is important to know the brief principles of simple diet laws on hygiene. A proper diet is the best of all medicines produced in the world. It is the body that effects the cure not the Doctor.

Life today is full of haste, hurry, bustle and mental tension. In order to relieve it we take refreshment every now and then. Consequently, the Biological rhythm of the body is disturbed. Many of us do not use our body, but abuse it. These irregularities derange the excretory functioning of the body and these are mainly direct causes for many Chronic diseases such as Constipation, Body ache, Head ache, Insomnia, Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers, Asthma, Thrombosis, Diabetes, Skin diseases, Cancer etc., adding more and more stress in day to day life.

It is most important that the Stomach should not be regarded as dust bin in which anything and everything can be dumped at any time and as many times in the day as possible. More attention and caution is required on such unhealthy acts and habits. The human stomach is so designed that it can not digest more than two square meals in a day of 24 hours. At the most, it can accept a small breakfast. If solids are given to it for the third time, we are only preparing the ground for the invasion of disease. It may not happen in one day, but in the long run the body will be so devitalized that it will become susceptible to Chronic and sometime even fatal diseases such as Diabetic, High blood pressure, high Cholesterol Cancer etc.,

TIME is another most important factor in the matter of taking food and let us knows something about this. Man is a microcosm, composed of three primeval elements. Life in human body is constituted of three elements – body, organ and soul. Air, Fire and Water are the three main factors that make a healthy life. The Sun, the Moon and the Air represent these three elements. In the language of modern nuclear physics, these are referred differently to as Neutron, Electron and Proton.

In a day, Morning represents Water, Noon represents Fire, and Afternoon represents Air. Spring represents Water, Autumn Fire and the Rains Air. The age group 1 to 16 come under Water, 16 to 40 under Fire and 40 and above under Air. Similarly the 24 hours to the day and night also come under this classification.

Between 6.00 am to 10.00 a.m. is the time of Water or Kapha. Mucous surfaces are active during this time. This is the time when elimination of impurities and waste matter takes place. It begins at 6.00 a.m., reaches its peak at 8.00 a.m. and ceases at 10.00 a.m.  

Between 10.00 am and 2.00 pm is the time of Fire or Pitta. It is the time of digestive fire when digestive forces are most active. It is advisable to give as much pitta time to digestion as possible. It begins at 10.00 a.m. rises to its peak at 12.00 noon and ceases at 2.00 p.m.  Food should be taken before the peak Pitta point is reached.

Similarly, from 2.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. is the time of Air or Vayu when the nerves are most active. This is the time, when the empty spaces in the body and the pipes are cleared of obstruction of all kinds. It begins at 2.00 p.m., reaches its peak point at 4,00 p.m. and ceases at 6.00 p.m. Vayu will be totally deranged, if any food is taken during this time when it is actively making every part of the stomach empty. All malignant tumors under growth are produced by an angry Vayu or Air. It is to be kept in mind that fire and Water are lame and can not move. Only when they are driven by the element of Air, they move and shower as rain.

Hence, for 3 hours from waking-up or three hours from Sunrise, no solid food should be sent to stomach. From 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon is the best time for taking food which will be fully digested and assimilated. Food taken after 12.00 noon will certainly produce the element of Air and it will not be digested. If someone persists in this suicidal habit of taking food at    inappropriate time, he or she will suffer from high blood pressure in the long run and may perhaps have an attack of thrombosis well before reaching 55 or 60 years of age.

In the evening, the second solid meal should be taken between 6.00 p.m. and 8.00 p.m. In between the two meals, nothing solid should be taken even if one feels hungry. However, if so required, fruits and fruit juices may be taken.

Water should be taken half an hour before and a little during the meals. For three hours thereafter no water should be taken. Even if one feels very thirsty, water should never be taken during the night, i.e., after dinner. But, immediately after waking-up in the morning, a lot of water should be taken. Water taken contrary to the above will disturb the process of digestion and gas will be the result, which in course of time presses against the diaphragm and interferes with the action of heart, which becomes irregular and starts malfunctioning. Boiled water in lukewarm condition is the best water to drink. Always cultivate a better habit of drinking water in sitting position. 

These are simple but most important rules on health with regard to Food, Water and Time which if followed by every individual if he or she wishes to live a healthy and active life. Ordinarily, a person will not fall ill if he has the habit of keeping proper diet and observes proper time as there is no possibility of disease lingering in the system. On the contrary medicine or no medicine, a person who persists in wrong eating habits can never be healthy.


Sri Brahma Murari
Mahavatar Babaji Sannidhan | Bengaluru


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