Why Ancestors Put Negative Effects? How To Heal It? | Dr Prameela Sreemangalam

Ancestors are ‘Origin from the Source’, who exists as light dimensions in the ancestral planes of existence, based on th...

The Ancestors 

Ancestors are ‘Origin from the Source’, who exists as light dimensions in the ancestral planes of existence, based on their soul’s evolution.

They have once walked their journey of life upon this earth as family. The ancestors (forefathers) have role played important relationships and roles as parents, siblings, grandparents and societal members.

Upon the completion of their life journey, having witnessed physical death, their soul united back with the Source. With relevance to the soul’s earthly evolution and ascension, they are gifted higher planes and realms in the ancestral world.

When welcomed, Ancestors along with Ascended Masters and Guides are always ready to help their future descendants/offspring in life with learnings, healing experiences, ascension, resolutions and blessings in the pathway. Ancestors at spiritual significance have no religion, but they only believe in serving God.

Just like how parents correct their children at times in their earth life, or gives guidance upon relevant areas, with the intent of pathway evolution or good life ahead, likewise, ancestors also guide the family.

The children may take the guidance with positive intention and progress ahead. Where children feel that family is forcing their opinion or thoughts upon them, may want to go out of the connections and bonding. For such ignorant minds, the ancestors from various dimensions may try and correct them energetically, so as not to develop a negative karma.

If wisdom prevails, progression is attained. Else, most likely ancestor would show up a hurdle in accordance from the higher guidance, so as to aid in the generational understanding and value.

Ancestral Problems & Earth Attachments

There are seven planes in the astral consciousness which reflects and imparts lessons to the future lineages. From the seventh plane and above, there are higher planes, from where spiritual ascension and progression lessons are imparted to the offspring and the earth family. These are exchanged by higher evolved ancestors.

Likewise, the causes of ancestral issues like an underlying wrath, curse, trauma, anger, negativity, etc, which are created by the being themself during their earth timeline journey gets carried as unresolved imprints. These are which gets reflected as ancestral issues. Unhealthy pattern or unresolved trauma from ancestral lineage further re-creates emotional wounds, damaging belief systems and traumatic events, unhealthy habits and addictions.

 With the evolution of the soul and the generations, the emergence of the soul & lineages occurs with the ‘Supreme Consciousness’, hence all causes gets nullified, & healed. However, it would take hundreds of years for the resolutions to occur

as astral consciousness progresses with the evolutions from the earth offspring. And further, when the issues are recreated due to ancestral controls, shadows or non-evolution stages continues, ancestral karmas are recreated many times, thus creating a loop ancestral issue. Energy healing with Masters of Lights works in favor of earlier resolutions, cutting away the timelines of generational sufferings.

There are also single or set of ancestral imprint issues (representing both the lineages) which gets reflected in the lineages. This further gets presented as incessant problems, patterns in relationships, life, spiritual and financial obstacles and negativity. Despite taking corrective actions, the problem persists, until ancestral clearing and healing is accomplished and spiritual resolution is accomplished.

Troubled Souls

When the departed souls due to earth attachments, emotions, desire for revenge, avenge, addictions, worldly possessions do not move into light, they hover around as troubled souls. They may hover around their house or find its way into the people’s aura and consciousness and thus finds a permanent settlement there.

Then there is the earth bound and troubled spirits, which may choose to stay back, until resolution is attained.

These gets presented as issues of mind, psycho-somatic conditions, addictions, abuse, incest pattern, health conditions, etc. The troubled spirits present itself through the consciousness of earth-bound people as headaches, confusions, disturbance with concentration, attention span and role-play of troubled emotions. This is also known as ‘Clouding of Consciousness’. The ancestors are reaching out to earth based families and reveals themselves through the energetic impressions.
With the clouding of consciousness, earth beings may sense that they are unable to think with clarity, or experience faster draining energy, over engagement with thoughts, uncontrolled anger, thinking negatively,
behavioral traits of that of the ancestors and shadows in operation With healing, the consciousness of the earth individuals can be cleared and the souls can be send back to the Astral world.

How to attain Healing & Resolution?

Resolution can be accomplished by ‘Healing with Ancestors’.

Ancestral healing brings shift and resolutions to many areas of one’s life. Mind Scan’s Ancestral Healing & Education Program is a detailed, very deep, intense - layer shredding, metaphysical, energy healing work, aimed in healing the seven lineages of ancestors.

By activating the Spiritual Science Energy and invoking the gifts of Ascended Masters Lights, Ancestral imprints are worked upon for life healing, resolutions

and life progress. This is both a healing and certified learning program, aimed to gift ‘Ancestral Healing Practitioners’ to society.

Channeling with Masters- Work upon ancestry lineages, identify patterns and through spiritually guided process address and heal the ancestral imprints followed by peace offering. Major clearances occur aiding in ascension and more connect with Ascended Masters is accomplished through further invocations which begins to heal the ancestral karma.

Invoking Ancestral Blessings, post healing aids in the benefit of individual, family and future generations. Life quality gets upgraded and family karmas attain freedom.

With ancestry healing, deeper problems of ancestors which is affecting relationships, property disputes, conflicts, paranormal attachments, non-evolution states are worked upon, which gifts freedom from operations of dark shadows of ancestors.

The consciousness of the affected individual undergoes tremendous transformation which accelerate their progress into ‘Divine Oneness’, ascension into peace, oneness and spiritual progress.

A being steps into awareness and awakening with peace offering and spiritual resolutions, accomplished with ancestral healing.

Ancestral healing is a path finding process, that has benefited multitudes of people in different cities, tribes and countries where belief of ancestors are honored and revered.               

By: Dr. Prameela Sreemangalam
Founder of Mind Scan™ | Renowned Spiritual Healer

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